5 B2B Marketing Hacks for Small Teams

If you are or ever have worked on a small marketing team then you know that nowhere will you find the same kind of insanely driven, dynamic passion to do all the things. And while there are definitely some perks to being on a small marketing team, small teams also face some distinct challenges, from allocating resources to keeping up with content demands. So here’s a list of hacks that can help small marketing teams stay efficient, keep up with content and smash their targets (as you do):

1. Recycle your content

When it comes to sustainable content creation, it’s a bit like sustainable living. The more you recycle, the better you do. Luckily, content is a renewable resource. There’s no shame in taking a big eBook and breaking it down into smaller bite-sized pieces of content. With each of your smaller pieces you can dig into your topics more deeply, and use the process of deconstructing your eBook, report or whitepaper to jumpstart some inspiration for more new content. Creating content a small team usually means putting in a lot of effort and a lot of work, so don’t waste it! Recycling isn’t just for newer content. You can take older pieces and freshen them up, bring them up to date, and push them out again.

2. Embrace Your Agility

Smaller teams have the benefit of being able to turn on a dime – and you should embrace it! Agility is a valuable trait. B2B marketing is changing fast, and being able to take on new strategies and techniques without breaking a sweat is a huge positive. Stay agile by ensuring that while everyone probably wears multiple hats, all hats are clearly labeled and your workflow is streamlined and well organized. It might seem like the opposite, but bringing your social media, content and email marketing hats together with your design and sales hats for each planning meeting can give you some amazing insights into how you can all work together along the entire life of a campaign. Taking onboard ideas from all the different sections of your team can keep you streamlined and in sync (which makes any necessary pivots a lot easier to handle).

3. Get experts on board and source contributors

The value of a contributor is indisputable when it comes to generating a large volume of content. Contributors come in many forms: industry experts, thought leaders and even some of your customer evangelists are all good sources for contributed content of all shapes and sizes. Case studies, articles, blog posts (like we do here at Pardot), interviews, videos and more can all come out of having and maintaining good relationships with contributors. The other part of this content hack is a good expert. Experts lend credibility and can usually dig much more deeply into their topic of focus, which adds a lot more value for your target audience.

4. Invest in marketing automation

Depending on your budget this may be a big ask or a more reasonable one, but either way, automating your marketing gives you a big advantage on a small team. Create lead nurturing campaigns quickly and easily and pass the warmest leads to sales with the click of a button. One of the biggest advantages of marketing automation is how it gives you a central dashboard to keep up with your whole marketing strategy – from tracking engagement metrics like open rates and click-through rates on your emails to building out your entire campaign complete with triggers that will adapt the next stage of the campaign to your prospect’s behavior.

5. Define Your Strategy

On a small team, everyone does multiple jobs, and with all the work flying around it can be hard to keep track of where things are and where they’re going. Defining your marketing strategy, as well as the goals for each stage of your campaigns and the metrics you want to use to measure your progress will be even more important. A clearly defined strategy will help keep your team focused, and with measurable goals you’ll be able to confirm the impact of your efforts on ROI and revenue.

Click here to read the full article by Lautel Okhio